teeny tiny hat

Step 1: These are my excuses, and I’m standing by them.


Step 2:  On the bottom, my Peerie Flooers hat, which is a very snug fit.  On the top, the teeny tiny hat, which I knit for myself in an apparently delusional state; see Step 1.

Step 3: The “head thunk”; self-explanatory:

Step 4: Rip!!!!!

The long and the short of it

On the left, my fabulous green Reversible Cabled Rib Shawl, completed in 2010.  On the right, my gold Reversible Cabled Rib Shawl, a work-in-progress:



I thought I was making excellent progress until I saw the photos!

Its a cold, windy day in southern England today; too cold and windy to be taking these shots.  But now I am sitting inside with my knitting and hot chocolate, and watching The Princess Bride for the umpteenth time.  Maybe I’ll finish it soon.  Inconceivable!