teeny tiny hat

Step 1: These are my excuses, and I’m standing by them.


Step 2:  On the bottom, my Peerie Flooers hat, which is a very snug fit.  On the top, the teeny tiny hat, which I knit for myself in an apparently delusional state; see Step 1.

Step 3: The “head thunk”; self-explanatory:

Step 4: Rip!!!!!

19 thoughts on “teeny tiny hat

  1. itwasjudith – I studied computer science and have rediscovered a love for knitting, reading, vintage hunting and other fun activities! My favourite characters include: Emily the Strange and Captain Harlock Find me on Ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/people/ItWasJudith
    itwasjudith on said:

    the yarn looks like Malabrigo worsted in Paris Night? Very pretty, shame for the size 😉

  2. slippedstitches – A knitter and designer, I also copy edit and tech edit knitting patterns for other designers. I also enjoy crochet. I am an animal lover. Randi is my little Bichon, named after one of my amazing oncology doctors.
    slippedstitches on said:

    I love your blog. I feel your pain.

    • Thank you. In this case, it is more annoyance than pain. If it had been a sweater I was ripping, than it may have been a different story. I was actually more annoyed that I had nothing to blog about (how is that for crazy?).

  3. Ge Ge – Ge Ge is an Information Professional working towards a MLIS degree in archival studies. Ge Ge's curiosity, enthusiasm, and thirst for lifetime learning led her on the path of librarianship. She is interested in community archives and MLS education.
    Ge Ge on said:

    Yes….I feel you. I thought I finished fairisle slippers. Turns out I made one longer than the other. *head thunk*

  4. ShimFarm – Quebec, Canada – Stories about life on our farm, our renovation projects, our pets, some knitting and baking, and a few obstacles along the way to make things interesting.
    ShimFarm on said:

    Knit happens. To the best of us.

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