Twelve months, two t-shirts, one hat (and a book)

It is hard to blog about knitting when no knitting is getting done. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may have noticed a significant drop in knitting output. Not to mention blogging output. Perhaps you also noticed that I have frequently alluded to the fact that I had a big project on my plate. A non knitting-related project.

That project was a book! Co-written with a fantastic colleague, the book is about how to make smart personal leadership decisions and navigate midlife career transitions as we lead longer and healthier lives. We completed the book a few days ago. All of my evenings and weekends for months have been consumed with writing, editing, and thinking about this book, which has left little time for knitting. Now that the book has been submitted, I want to knit ALL THE THINGS.

The book, by the way, won’t be published until next February. I will give you a heads up when it gets close to publication. I am very excited to have written a book. I am also excited to have finished it and able to devote some brain space back to knitting. I have just looked at my projects page and can see that in the past year, since we signed the contract to write the book, I have only completed three knitting projects: two t-shirts and a hat.

It is time to get knitting again! If only I had some nice yarn, or pattern ideas, or cool WIPs, or knitting clubs with mystery knit-along projects…

17 thoughts on “Twelve months, two t-shirts, one hat (and a book)

  1. Kelly, congratulations on finishing your book – a big achievement. Years ago when making a mid-career transition I’d have welcomed a book like yours. Have fun diving back into knitting.

  2. knittingissofun – I started knitting by taking a beginner class Sept '16. I'm now probably an "intermediate" knitter. I've made socks, sweaters, shawls, and scarfs. Even a few test knits. I love fingering weight yarn even though that means a sweater takes Forever! I keep challenging myself to learn new techniques and garments. Check me out on Ravelry. I like to share my 'learnings" as I learn to knit. You are welcome to Share yours.
    knittingissofun on said:

    Congratulations on your book. Especially since I’m guessing it will be published by a publishing house. I know several people that have self published books. Enjoy getting back to knitting.

  3. quiteayarnblog – Lifelong yarnaholic and craft junkie. I'm on a quest to learn all I can about knitting, and I plan to take you with me!
    quiteayarnblog on said:

    Congratulations on your book! That is so exciting! What will your celebration knit be? The KDD Summer of Mystery KAL?

    • Thanks! Once the piping hot sweater is finished, I am not sure what to do next. I bought the yarn pack for the Summer of Mystery KAL, but I am going to hold off before casting on. I am not a big fan of the “mystery” part of mystery KALs. I am super looking forward to the pattern releases on the club, however, and wouldn’t be surprised if one of those will jump onto my needles over the summer.

      • quiteayarnblog – Lifelong yarnaholic and craft junkie. I'm on a quest to learn all I can about knitting, and I plan to take you with me!
        quiteayarnblog on said:

        That piping hot sweater is going to be beautiful 🙂 The club is off to a good start so far! Are you reading along with the Allingham mysteries?

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