What’s in my knitter’s toolkit? Denial, apparently.

In my last post, I showed you some progress photos of my Callum – a linen tee with drop shoulders.  It was clear from the photos that it is too big.  Really too big.  Not only is it too big, but the arm scythes are cut too low, meaning it can only be worn over a tank. I repeat one of the photos here which shows the bad fit around the back of the arms:


After publishing the post, I had the very good idea to transfer all of the live stitches to a spare piece of yarn and wash the unfinished project.  Then I put it in the dryer (something that still makes my heart stutter, even though I know I can do it with linen). I carefully steamed down the edges of the sleeves.  Many of you left encouraging comments on the post, suggesting that a good wash and a steam would make a big difference; you are right, they did make a difference, but mostly in the look of the linen and the neatness of the edges.  It had no discernible effect on the fit.

Others mentioned that you don’t want a fitted linen garment for the hot days of summer. And, guess what?  We were having a heat wave in England last week.  I sat, sweating in the heat, and I thought “Ease is good.”  I put the stitches back on the needle, picked the project back up and knit an entire other skein of the yarn – over 4 inches of body, adding two more sets of decreases.

Why did I keep knitting when I knew something was wrong?  I don’t know – maybe I am delusional?  Or maybe one of the things in my knitter’s toolkit is denial?  Because the truth is that no matter what I do to the body of the tee, it is unlikely to change the fit across the back and the sleeves, and that is where the problem is.  How easy to think that if I could just finish it, the drape would magically fix itself.  Denial apparently also helps disguise the fact that I am knitting the 44 3/4″ size, in order to give me 3″ of ease, but it is actually measuring 50″ around (two sizes up from what I was aiming for), for almost 9″ of ease.  I did swatch; I swear it!  I don’t know why my swatch lied.

Not only that, but I am in denial about two of the issues that I worried about long before casting on – knitting this tee in the round, and the tendency of the yarn to bias (which manage to compound each other.) Knowing that these were both issues, I blindly cast on anyway, because…well, denial.  And the yarn was pretty.  And it looks nice in the pattern picture.

Maybe I should have waited to get some of this advice from readers:

  1. “It is way, way too big–and knowing linen it will not shrink that much. Either re-do the entire back or, as you said, throw it in the WIP basket for another time and go on to the jacket.”  (from my Mom)
  2. “Me, I’d make sure I have copious notes and photos, frog the whole damned thing and put it in a bag at the back of the closet for another year.” (from Susan)
  3. “The arm scythes are low and it looks like a baggy knit. I think it should go into the time-out basket, for an eventual frogging. I’d re-knit one size down.” (from Ann)
  4. “The lace pattern of the linen top is really beautiful. I agree with you about the back sleeves, though. I knit a cardigan once with sleeves that ended up looking a bit like wings and I found I never wore it.” (from Leah)

This last point, from Leah, really struck home:  am I ever going to wear it if I am unhappy with the fit?  And furthermore, her comment really targeted the defining issue – there is something about the sleeve, especially from the back, that is a problem to me.  I can fix this, but only if I frog and start over.  (The pattern and yarn are both very pretty; so starting over and making it right would be a good thing in the long run.)  That would mean figuring out what went wrong with my gauge (as other readers very kindly pointed out).

What next?  Doug is away and I won’t see him for a few weeks.  Once we are both in the same place again, he can help me take some new modeled photos of it, with the extra length perhaps giving an indication of how the tee will drape.  I suspect that the only practical solution will be to frog.  I also suspect that if I do that, it will be next summer before I try to re-use the yarn.  Why not just frog now instead of waiting for the inevitable?  Because I still have a good dose of DENIAL, and I am going to keep it!

In the meantime, there is always the Falkenburg:

Thank you so much to all of the readers who left comments for me.  You mean a lot to me and I am grateful that you take the time to leave advice, suggestions and good wishes.

Travel knitting recap

I was away from home for a full month, including a working trip to South Africa and a holiday to British Columbia, Canada.  You may recall that I took two knitting projects with me: Cullum, a linen tee shirt with a bit of lace designed by Isabell Kraemer, and Sofi, a light jacket in wool and linen designed by Hanne Falkenberg.  Photos of both designs are shown below:

First off, I must admit to not having accomplished much knitting on either trip.  While in South Africa I was kept quite busy on the job, and in Vancouver and surrounds, I was enjoying hanging out with my daughters and other relatives, and wasn’t feeling the knitting mojo so much.  This latter may be partly because I was concentrating more on the linen tee, which admittedly is not a particularly scintillating knit.  (It is in linen and much of it is in stockinette in-the-round.)  Once I got the jacket on my needles, I found it more enjoyable.  My rationale was that the linen tee was a summer top, so I should put some effort into finishing it while it was still summer.

The tee is knit from the top down; the front and back are joined in the round at the armholes.  Thus, I didn’t get to try it on until after it was joined and I had knit a few inches in the round.  Now that I am home, I have tried it on and…..IT IS TOO BIG!  And, not very nice looking at the back.  Here is the evidence.  This is the front view, clearly a bit big but still reasonable.  (Please note the effects of serious jet lag in these photos; what a difference a little sleep makes!  Look at the sweater and ignore the wearer!)

Here is a side view.  You can see that the arm scythe is very low, but this is the type of tee which I will probably wear over a tank, so still salvageable.

Below is a view of the back.

I am really not happy with the way the sleeves look at the back.  There just seems to be lots of extra fabric everywhere.  UGH! Let’s look at this dispassionately, however.  It is knit in 100% linen.  I know that it will shrink a bit when I have washed it.  I also did a gauge swatch and made sure to wash and dry it before measuring.  So it is quite possible that, once properly washed and dried and blocked, this will look as I imagined it.  I also know that I purposely didn’t want it to be fitted – it is a summery linen tee, made to be worn in hot weather, so it should be loose and airy. Right now, however, I am feeling that it is miles too loose and airy.

What do you think?  Is it as big as I am thinking?  Is it likely to shrink?  Why do the backs of the sleeves look so bad?  Why is the back neck so loose? Is this likely to block out? More importantly: should I rip back and do some re-fashioning?  Should I forge ahead but put in some decreases? (I actually put in one set of decreases on the plane, just an inch above where I’ve knit to in the photo, and was thinking of one more set for just 8 stitches decreased.  Is this too little too late?)  Should I just leave it be?  Or should I, perhaps,  throw it in the (now empty) WIP basket and instead knit the Falkenberg jacket?

To help you address the last question, here is a progress shot of the jacket:

Pretty, huh?  The body is knit in one piece with no shaping, thus it is a boxy little jacket. When I made my swatch, I had this idea that the body would just be a larger version of the swatch – basically the pattern knit as a big rectangle – but I forgot how brilliant Hanne is at design.  Her pieces are so clever and so well-tailored.  To illustrate, here is the side seam:

And here is the centre back of the jacket:

I love these details.

It is Friday evening here in England and they are predicting a gorgeous weekend with sunny skies and hot temperatures.  My friend Erun is visiting and we have good food, good wine, plenty of sun screen and knitting projects on the go.  Which one do you think I will be knitting this weekend?

Better Schooner than Later

I am back in Vancouver having just returned from a lovely road trip with Doug and the girls up the Sechelt Peninsula in British Columbia and then across to Vancouver Island. We stayed in some fantastic places and spent a lot of time on the water. I plan to make a travel post as soon as I have the time, but in the meantime, here is a sneak peak.   Below is a photo of me knitting on a 53 foot schooner off the coast of Powell River, near Blubber Bay.

That’s Leah in the background, looking out for whales from the bow of the boat.  (Emma was busy hoisting sails and Doug was at the wheel.) Here is a close-up photo I took of the knitting on my lap.  It is very hard to photograph black knitting and make it look interesting, but I think the texture of the lace knitting in linen looks good with the ropes from the sails.

Of course, I couldn’t resist putting a pun in the post title.  I hope your knitting adventures are pun-worthy, too!