It’s raining in Geneva

Doug and I are in Geneva. We were expecting some sunshine after a cold and rainy spring in England, but apparently we are bad weather attractors as it is rainy and overcast here and apparently now hot and sunny back home. I am expecting this will reverse itself as soon as we step on the plane to head home.

That is the most I shall complain, however, because I am here with old friends, and that is always a good place to be. We spent two days attending a great linguistics workshop in a beautiful villa on the banks of the lake. The cooler temps meant that my piping hot sweater came in handy, and Doug snapped a cool photo:

We only brought carry-on luggage with us, so I had very little space available for knitting. So, I decided to start something new to bring with me. I ordered some lovely blue Kalinka linen before I left:

And I cast on for the Hør no 19 top by Lone Kjeldsen:

© Lone Kjeldsen

I have got the first two pattern repeats done. The photo below is a bit deceptive as it looks somewhat like the yoke of a top being knitted top down, but is in fact a top being knitted in the round bottom up.

Here is a closer view of the stitch pattern:

The linen is scrunchie and a bit hard on the hands to knit. It is also a fairly dark blue which for me means I need good lighting to see what I am doing. However, the linen gets softer once it is washed, and continues to get softer still with time as it gets worn and washed.

I am here for another 4 days and it looks like the thunderstorm-y weather will continue. But I hope to spend time chatting with old friends, eating good food, strolling by the lake (possibly in the rain), lounging and reading, and knitting.

Have a good Sunday, everyone!

4 thoughts on “It’s raining in Geneva

  1. knittingissofun – I started knitting by taking a beginner class Sept '16. I'm now probably an "intermediate" knitter. I've made socks, sweaters, shawls, and scarfs. Even a few test knits. I love fingering weight yarn even though that means a sweater takes Forever! I keep challenging myself to learn new techniques and garments. Check me out on Ravelry. I like to share my 'learnings" as I learn to knit. You are welcome to Share yours.
    knittingissofun on said:

    That blue is beautiful!!

  2. That’s a beautiful yarn! And I like the stitch design too.
    I hope you enjoyed your stay in Switzerland. It has indeed been slightly cooler than usual but mainly much less sunny. Kind regards from Swizterland!

  3. Beautiful yarn, and that is a great summer top! You and your Piping Hot sweater look great – you always have the best styling and photos 🙂 Hope your stay in Geneva is fun!

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