My year in Knits – 2012

Today is the last day of the year, so in keeping with last year, this post will document the year in knits.  I knit 6 sweaters, two cowls, two hats and three pairs of fingerless mitts this year; two of which I have somehow failed to document on the blog, but will remedy that today.  I haven’t managed quite as much knitting this year as last, perhaps because I now spend considerable time on this blog that might have been spent knitting (but more likely as a result of a big reading spree the last few months).

I knit the hats in the fall to send to my friend Maria who has been undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.  These were the Zelda Cloche by Alexis Winslow:

IMG_5225and the Odessa Hat, by Grumperina:

(Please note that for convenience sake – my convenience that is – I am using the Ravelry links for the patterns in this post.)

In August, I knit a cowl for my sister-in-law Vivian.  It is knit in seed stitch with three shades of Kid Silk Haze held together.  I am told that she wears it often.  It is light as a cloud, and soft and fluffy.  I decided to make a second one, exactly the same, for Emma as a Christmas gift.  I didn’t use a pattern for this; I used big needles, three strands of Kidsilk Haze, cast on an odd number of stitches (I used 149 stitches for Emma’s cowl), and then knit until it felt long enough (about 11″-12″).  So, this cowl counts as two:

I made the cowl with the leftover yarn from Emma’s Smoulder sweater, which I blogged about here (it’s a great sweater, check it out).  I bought a bag of Kidsilk Haze (10 balls) on sale at the end of the year a few years ago; I think I paid about £20 for the bag.  With it, I made Emma’s Smoulder sweater and both cowls.  That was definitely one of my better yarn bargains!

The first sweater of the year was by far my favorite; I love everything about it!  This is the Brick pullover, designed by Hanne Falkenberg, that I knit for Doug:

Next up, I knit the Backward Cabled Pullover for Leah.  This sweater, designed by Wendy Bernard, is called that because the scoop is supposed to be in the back; I knit the Backward Cabled sweater backward, thus having the scoop forward!  I knit it in Madelinetosh Pashmina in the luscious colour Flashdance.  Leah wears it all the time:

I then made three sweaters for myself.  First was the cool and breezy summer sweater, Laresca, designed by Corrina Ferguson:

I then knit two cardigans, both designed by Carol Feller.  The absolutely marvelous Killybegs, which I wear constantly:

And then the very classy Ravi, which I knit as part of Carol’s Ravi knit-along this summer (with 800 plus other knitters):

I love these both so much.  And having just seen Carol’s new design for Brooklyn Tweed, I have to say that there is another Carol Feller design in my future (stay tuned this spring).

The last sweater of the year, which I just finished a few weeks ago, is the pullover I call Medieval Gems, that I designed for my daughter Leah (based on patterns by Marnie MacLean and Lauren Osborne; see this post for details).

Perhaps some of you have noticed that there were no sweaters for Emma this year?  Oh dear!  How could this have happened?  But, never fear dear readers, my needles have been smoking all week as I race away on a beautiful sweater for Emma; you will have to stay tuned for details in the New Year.

Last, but not least, I knit three pairs of fingerless mitts this year.  The first pair I knit in August for Emma, to match her Carnaby skirt. These are the Optimistic Mitts, by Devin Joesting:

This is a really great pattern, and it gives you an excuse to use up any cool buttons you have (or, even better, go button shopping)!  I wrote a post about these in September (and about various trials and tribulations I encountered while knitting them), but I never published it because I waited in vain for a photo of Emma wearing them with the skirt.  (Emma’s excuse is that she doesn’t have a camera at university and that she won’t allow an inferior phone photo on the blog.)  Perhaps just for fun, I’ll post it up next month – sans photos.

I knit the Nalu Mitts by Leila Raabe for Leah:

and the Green Thumb Mitts by Diana Foss for me:

Today, on this warm, rainy last day of December 2012, we are all here at home, healthy and happy.  We braved the rain to have Doug snap some photos of the three of us – Emma, Leah, and me, Kelly –  in our knitted fingerless mitts.

Happy New Year to you all!

Mom points

It’s been over two weeks since I last published a post.  Is this because I won the lottery and have been Island-shopping in the Carribean?  No, I am afraid the truth is not so interesting (or profitable).  I was busy – with work (boo!) and with Christmas preparations (yay!).  I was experiencing laptop difficulties (boo!) and distracted by Emma coming home (yay!).  The days are short and full of rain (boo!) so there have been no photo opportunities, and I have been perhaps a bit overindulgent with holiday food and wine (yay!) leading to spelling difficulties.  In regards to the last, I have eaten so many New Orleans pralines, I may need to avoid clothes with buttons for weeks.  (Make them!  The recipe is in Joy of Cooking.  You will not be sorry!)

We are enjoying a lovely, peaceful Christmas.  Emma arrived, very jet-lagged, on Friday afternoon.  On Sunday, we spent the day in London which was virtually empty.  Does everyone in London leave to spend Christmas on the coast perhaps, or are Londoners sensibly ensconsed inside for the week, leaving London to outsiders?  We made the all important treks to Monmouth Coffee to stock up on espresso beans, and to Neal’s Yard Dairy to buy a box of cheese (no trip to London should miss Neal’s Yard).  We went to the British Museum late in the day and practically had the place to ourselves (at least by British Museum standards).  I have never before been able to gaze at the Rosetta Stone without filtering it through a stream of tourists.  Doug took photos of entire galleries filled with fabulous antiquities and no people.  Lovely!  We walked across the bridge to South Bank and looked at the gorgeous views of London at night, all misty with rain and blue and purple lights from the Christmas decorations.

On Christmas Eve, the girls put up and decorated the tree (a little late this year) and we baked lots of Christmas cookies.  In addition to the New Orleans pralines, and rolled sugar cookies cut in Christmas shapes and decorated with colored sugar, we always make lots of German Christmas deliacies.  This year, it was Pfeffernüsse – made with tons of spices and rum and candied orange peel, they get better every day – and Kipferln – delicate and almondy and light and flaky.  And, of course, we made pumpkin pies.  We had some old friends join us for a traditional Christmas Eve salmon dinner (my husband is from Vancouver thus making salmon the default celebratory food).  We ended Christmas Eve the way we always do, by listening to Dylan Thomas read A Child’s Christmas in Wales.  I can’t imagine Christmas without it.  The four of us have it memorized of course and all recite whole stretches of it under our breath.  It is the most beautiful poem, and Dylan Thomas reads it so beautifully.  I never think the English language quite so magical as I do when listening to Dylan Thomas.

Yes, yes, I know this is a knitting blog; be patient – there will be knitting momentarily.  Christmas Day and Boxing Day have been spent opening gifts, listening to music, reading books, playing games (the girls beat us twice in a row at Articulate), lots of knitting, sleeping (Emma, who is not only jet-lagged but exhausted from a busy first semester of university, fell asleep at noon on Christmas day and only woke up when we dragged her out of bed for dinner in the evening), cooking, eating and being lazy.  I did, however, manage amidst all of this generalized laziness to get Emma and Leah to jump up during a 5-minute break in the rain, and take sweater photos in the garden, so I could write this post.

Some of you may remember that I was busy knitting a medieval-inspired sweater for Leah, which I blogged about here.  I designed this sweater, with Leah’s input, by combining bits and pieces of a couple of patterns I purchased, with lots of my own math and trial and error.  I was using the basic shape from the pattern Astoria by Marnie MacLean and the fair isle pattern from the mitten design Frank by Lauren Osborne.  Though I mostly followed the Astoria pattern, I ended up redoing most of the calculations.

Leah wanted to wear this sweater for her eighteenth birthday, which was two weeks ago Friday.  Since it needed to be wet blocked, this meant that it had to be finished, washed and blocked before I went to sleep on the preceding Wednesday evening.  That day, I had a very long day at work and didn’t get home until nearly 9pm.  I ate dinner, and then started to knit, not finishing with the knitting until well after midnight.  Then, I had to end off all of the ends, soak and wet block it.  Since I was worried about it not drying on time, I used up six towels getting as much water out as possible.  (I put a towel on the kitchen floor, spread the wet sweater on top very carefully so as not to stretch it anywhere, put another towel on top, and then walk on it, barefoot, squeezing out the water with my feet until the towels are soaked.  Then I repeat with fresh towels.) Picture me, at 2am, after a very, very long day, treading with bare feet on layers of wet towels and sweater in my kitchen.  I had visions of the I Love Lucy episode where she is in the wine vat with her bare feet, stomping on grapes.  Then, while in an I Love Lucy and exhaustion-tinged state of mild hysteria, I carefully blocked it on the living room rug.  I had two thoughts going through my head.  One, I am too old for this.  Two, I better be earning lots of Mom Points for this.

The sweater was finished on time and Leah wore it for her 18th birthday.  The idea behind the design is great, and in certain lights and certain angles after carefully pulling it into configuration, it looks pretty good:

However, it must be honestly said that this is not my best effort.  If fails in some very obvious ways on the fit front.  I can see what needs to be fixed, and have spent lots of time trying to visualize how I can fix it without actually ripping it out and redoing it from scratch.  For example, here is a photo of the back after it has been carefully pulled into shape:

And here is a photo of the back as it looks normally, after a few minutes of wear:

I have to admit that this drives me crazy.  Clearly, the fair isle portion of the pattern had a tighter gauge than the stockinette portion, possible caused by my lack of experience with knitting fair isle.  What I should have done here is to have decreased regularly, every fifth stitch or so, all of the way around on the row under the yellow pattern (it was knit top-down); that would have fixed the buckling.  Instead, I tried to fix it by making more decreases.  What was I thinking?  So, part of me is busy imagining that I could just rip out the bottom portion of the body of the sweater, up to the bottom of the patterned panel, and then re-knit the body and waist.  That would definitely fix the buckle you see in the above photo, but the fact is that there are a number of other fit issues: the sweeping neckline is way too sweeping (imagine it without the turtleneck underneath), the arms don’t fit right (again, this is due to the gauge difference in the stockinette versus fair isle), the patterned panel should be an inch higher on the front and two inches higher at the back (short rows, perhaps?).  I don’t think I will really be happy with this one unless I rip it all out and start again.

On the other hand, Leah has worn it at least 10 times in the last two weeks. She clearly  likes it.  And when the sun hits it (sun? what is this thing, sun?) the colours are fantastic. Perhaps I should chalk it up to a learning experience and stop being such a perfectionist?  Perhaps I should work on making my next sweater fit better instead of knitting this one yet again?

I have other finished projects to report but will leave that to my next post.  In the meantime, I wish all of my readers a peaceful holiday.

The home stretch

My plan for today was to post photos of the completed Medieval Gems sweater for Leah – finished, blocked, and modelled.  I wrote about the design process for this pullover here; it is based on Anglo-Saxon jewellery for my medieval-history obsessed daughter.

Unfortunately, my fingers are behind target.  As you can see, I am almost done knitting, in the home stretch in fact:

Leah wants to wear it on Friday (her 18th birthday) so I better get a move on. Especially since it most definitely needs to be wet blocked.  With any luck, I can bring you modelled shots next weekend.

It is very windy here today (and cold!) so it was hard to take these photos.  Every time I laid the sweater out and stepped out of the way, the wind would grab ahold of it:

and blow it away:

Doug and Leah are busy baking Christmas cookies, and I plan to sit by the fire, listen to the wind blowing outside, and hopefully finish knitting this sweater.

Too many beautiful patterns to choose from

Sometime last winter I went into London shopping with the aim of buying some yarn to knit a sweater for me.  I went armed with a list of sweaters I was interested in and their various yarn requirements.  I also went with Emma, which means that I left the shop without any yarn for me, but with a pile of absolutely luscious Madelinetosh DK for Emma:

Ever since then, we have been trying to pick a suitable sweater to knit with this yarn.  Not a week goes by when I don’t email Emma with a link to a sweater pattern and the query “How about this one?”  Sometimes, I think we are close to making a decision.  But somehow, we never seem to find the one.  Since the end of the year is upon us, I have been looking back over the year’s knitting and have discovered that I have not knit a single sweater for Emma all year (egads!).  Plus, Emma is flying home for Christmas and will only be here for two weeks before she must fly back for the start of term.  This means we have to decide now!  I want to be swatched and ready to go when she gets here.

So, what are our criteria?

  1. The sweater has to be right for this weight yarn (DK) and I must have enough of it (I have 1030 metres).
  2. It has to meet Emma’s strict style criteria.
  3. Because the yarn is slightly variegated, a simple, not-too-busy sweater will show off the yarn best.
  4. It has to be something I want to knit (after all, I knit because it is fun; if it’s not fun, I don’t want to knit it).

Every week, our options change, but I thought I would show you some of the ones I am considering at the moment.  (Emma, are you reading this?)

First, there is Sotherton.  This was the first sweater that Emma picked out for the yarn, many months ago, but we have been wavering about it ever since.

Sotherton is designed by Kathleen Dames, and is in the Summer 2012 edition of Jane Austin Knits by Interweave Press.  I don’t really know why I have been wavering about it.  Most of the time I think it is just beautiful.   Part of the problem has to do with the reverse stockinette, which of course forms the background to the cables.  I am not convinced that reverse stockinette is the best canvas for this yarn.  Part of it has to do with the shaping – this is the kind of sweater that must be fitted exactly right; if you screw up anywhere in the shaping, it will show and it won’t look good.  Emma and Leah very kindly point out that I am good at this kind of sweater fitting, but it also means that I would have to knit it up very fast as fitting is much easier when you can fit it directly to the recipient.

Another one I really like is Low Tide Ripples, designed by Suvi Simola, for Twist Collective.

This one takes a very basic shape and adds some pretty features.  I think the cuffs are cute and distinctive, the zigzags show up nicely on the stockinette background, and I like the shoulder shapings.  This pullover is designed to be a little roomier, with a comfortable shape that makes it great with jeans.   Nonetheless, it is a very grownup and elegant version of a simple crew neck pullover.

One of the things that Emma has been mentioning frequently these days, is that she is cold.  It rains all the time in Vancouver, and the winters are dark and grey and gloomy and wet.  Emma wants some warm, cozy clothes.  That makes me think maybe the best use of this yarn is as a cardigan, rather than a pullover.  For cardigans, I think my top candidate at the moment is Dark and Stormy, designed by Thea Colman of Baby Cocktails.  Here is a photo of the back:

and here is a photo of the front:

I like everything about this design.  If Emma doesn’t want it, I will definitely make it for myself sometime down the line.  It looks like the type of cardigan which you could live in.  I particularly like the shawl collar.

Another one on my list is the Wrapped pullover, designed by atelier alfa:

I think this is ultra cool.  It is different, it is fun, it has attitude.  This is another one I could see making for myself.  I am not sure how it would look with a variegated wool, however; the pattern is very strong, and should stay that way.  You want the cables to make a statement; a variegated wool will make it stand out less.

Just this week, as I was putting together this post, Ruth Garcia-Alcantud of Rock and Purl, published a new sweater design, Echoes of Winter:

I met Ruth at Knit Nation in 2010, when we both took a design course taught by Shirley Paden.  At the time, Ruth was hoping to become a sweater designer.  She now has many designs published in some great places.  For some reason, Echoes of Winter reminded me of Emma.  It could be because it’s very fitted, and Emma can really rock this look.  I also think it would look great in this yarn.  I do think that if I were to make this one, however, I would shorten it by an inch or two.

The Dragonflies Jumper, designed by Joji Locatelli, is another good one.

I would definitely make it as a turtleneck, however.  This jumper has a very pretty cable pattern, that does indeed look like dragonflies, and a nice simple shape.  There are many lovely versions of it popping up on Ravelry.  I think it would be warm and cozy.  I would need to swatch the dragonfly pattern first and make sure it popped enough in this yarn, but I think it’s a nice simple sweater with some flair.

Hannah Fettig has designed so many great, classic sweaters; a number of them were in competition for a place on this list.  I am leaning towards the Lapis Yoke sweater, from the Fall 2010 edition of Knitscene:

I think this is a really classic shape done really well.  If you are on Ravelry and you want to see what inspired me to put this on my list, go check out FeyaPL‘s version of this.  It is made with Madelinetosh DK and is absolutely gorgeous.

Another option is the Isis Tailcoat:

This is designed by Keri-Helene Rane for Purl Alpaca Designs.  This is designed for and knit with alpaca, which gives it a nice rustic look, but done in the Madtosh DK, I think it would be very chic and sophisticated.   It doesn’t look as toasty warm as some of the other designs; but it has a nice shape to it.

Last, but not least, is the Jewel Lake pullover:

I really love this one and it has been in my queue for a long time, targeted for Emma.  (It is so clearly an Emma sweater!)  The designer is Kristen Hanley Cardozo from the Knitting kninja.   This one is designed for worsted weight, not DK weight, so would take a bit of mathematical manipulating; then again, math is what keeps a knitter’s brain young!  This sweater is so beautiful (and I love the photo).  Imagine that you could change the ribbon according to your mood: black velvet, red lace, etc.  The only drawback (besides the math) would again be the warmth factor; with it’s bare neck and 3/4 sleeves it’s not exactly toasty.  Remember, Emma is cold over there in Vancouver.

I could continue to add other patterns for hours, but I think I’ll stop now.  What a terrible problem to have, don’t you think?  Absolutely gorgeous yarn sitting around, and too many beautiful pattern to choose from.  Now all I need is for Emma to make up her mind!