The best intentions

Sometimes even with the best intentions, things don’t work out. Here are three examples.

UNRAVEL. This weekend was the 15th anniversary of Unravel, my favorite yarn festival, at Farnham Maltings. It was being held on Friday, Saturday, and today, Sunday. I had every intention of going. Friday I was in Copenhagen on a work trip. To show the seriousness of my intention to attend Unravel, I walked by a yarn shop no less than 6 times on this Copenhagen visit and didn’t even step through the door! I was determined to save my yarn pennies for the festival.

On Saturday, my friend Arpita was having a party to celebrate her 50th birthday. Saturday morning I woke up late (having returned from Copenhagen very tired the evening before) and realised that there was no way I could drive down to Farnham, buy lots of yarn, and drive back in time for the party. That left today. My intentions were good, but my pillow called out to me. I got sleep, but no yarn festival.

THE DREADED PINK CARDIGAN. I blogged a few times here about the pink cardigan I was knitting. Here is the last photo I posted:

For this cardigan, I am re-purposing some yarn from a previous failed attempt at knitting a sweater, combining it with some mohair to add some warmth and fuzziness. I knitted most of the cardi – all of the body and nearly all of one sleeve. I tried it on and the fit was awful. I showed it to Doug and he frowned and said “Well, I guess that you could block it, hmm?” Then he said “What if you ripped it out to half way down the yoke and then re-knitted?” This would basically entail ripping it all out. I showed it to my friend, Teresa, and she tried hard to be polite while basically saying “No way; this is awful.” Thus, with all the best intentions, I have now knitted two failed projects with this yarn. Maybe the universe is telling me something. (Side note: I bought this yarn at Unravel some years ago.)

ChatGPT TRIES TO CROCHET. Here is a funny article from today’s Guardian about people trying to crochet patterns created by ChatGPT with hysterical results. Hee hee.

These are cases where despite the best intentions, something goes wrong. On the other hand, I had a great dinner (two in fact) in Copenhagen with my friend Erun and her lovely colleague, Jarah. I taught a fun workshop and attended a great birthday party for a dear friend. I saved a ton of money. (Face it, I would have spent money at Unravel!) While I am counting my blessings, we had a great visit from Inge, and enjoyed a sunny day and a fantastic meal in London. Inge took this photo of Doug and me which I love (especially as we are both wearing hand knits).

I hope you had a lovely weekend despite your best intentions.

Perspective: it all depends on where you are standing

Since I last posted, the only knitting I’ve done has been on my Koko shawl. I started knitting this just two weeks into our first lockdown, in March 2020. It is a beautiful project but it feels endless. It is A LOT of knitting. So, every once in a while I pull it out and try to put some dedicated time into it.

Can you see the little red stitch marker at the bottom of the above photo? That marks where I picked it up again three weeks ago when I finished Doug’s Opus hat. So much time, so little to show for it! I wanted to see how much I had left to knit, so I stretched it out on the floor next to my Soumak wrap for comparison:

Ugh! It looks like there is still an endless amount left to knit!

But wait; perhaps this is a matter of perspective. What would it look like if I was standing on the other end?

Aha! That looks more manageable. I can look at this and not lose the will to knit.

Maybe, however, I should try to see it as it really is, and not with the pessimistic perspective nor the optimistic perspective shown in the photos above. What would it look like if I was standing on top of it? It would look like this:

There is still a lot of knitting to go, but man, it is gorgeous! Just look at the texture and the play of colour:

This is one beautiful project.

This weekend I didn’t knit at all: yesterday we drove into London and saw both the Africa Fashion exhibit and the Donatello exhibit at the V&A Museum. It was glorious. Today, I can’t knit because my hands are too cold. Our heating has been broken since Friday. But huddling under the covers and reading all day has its appeal. A mix of good and bad this weekend; I guess it is all about perspective.