Knitting at the Olympics? Why, yes!

Knitting at the Olympics?

Why, yes!  Doesn’t everyone?

Today we were among a very lucky crowd, braving the wind and clouds at Eton Dorney, the Olympics Rowing site, to watch hours of Olympic rowing!  The crowds were so great.  We were of course surrounded by Team GB supporters, but also by tons of Dutch, German, Danish, South African, Canadian and US supporters among many others.  Everyone was lovely, cheerfully cheering everyone along, winners and losers, regardless of nation.  (Of course everyone cheered for their own team, but enthusiastically cheered for everyone else too.) The TV coverage might make you think that this is all about medals, and all about nationalism; but when you are there, you realize that it is all about people, and sports, and making an effort and fun.   And that people, really, are lovely.


German fans:

Canadian fans:

British fans:

Little fans:

Multinational fans (Emma, Leah, Kelly and Doug – the original Canadian, American, Australian, German, British fans! – We cheer for everyone!):

Women’s eights:

Canadian oar:



British medalists take a bow:

And the knitting?  What was that all about?  Well, truthfully, I knit only long enough to take the photo, and then tucked it back in my bag.  Why would I do this at all?  Well, for you non-knitters out there, knitters have a special relationship with the Olympics (we’ve even received cease and desist letters from the US Olympic Committee).  You knitters will know what I am talking about.  I couldn’t go to the Olympics and not knit (if only for a minute.)  And for the rest of you, believe me, it’s a knitting thing.  (Ten points to anyone who recognized that I was wearing the Levenwick cardigan.)

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