Project update

Upon finishing my “We do so hate to be bored” tee, I struggled to pick up another project. I had a few things on the needles, which have been in hibernation, but none of them was saying “Knit me! Knit me!” I really wanted to start a cardigan with the Road to China Light yarn which Doug gave me for Christmas (not last year but the year before), but I am annoyed at that project. I plan to write a post about that soon with the title “The case of the lost yarn swatches”; clever readers will be able to figure out the source of my annoyance.

In the meantime, I desultorily kept going with my Gresham Wrap. The reason I am not enthused about it has nothing to do with the wrap itself, which is fun and pretty, but rather with the fact that the cream-coloured portion in the middle goes on FOREVER and furthermore is basically knitted in ribbing (it has a textured stitch which is the equivalent of knitting every second row in 1×1 ribbing). I have decided it is the TV knitting project and so I am slowly making progress; unfortunately for it, I am not much interested in watching TV. Here is a nice photo of it curled up in its place on the couch, catching the morning sun:

When we returned from Wales, I found a giant pile of yarn on my doorstep:

I recently took part in Kate Davies newest club and she gives a 10% discount during the club for any purchases from her store. I waited until the very last minute to place an order, both so that I could see each new design before committing and also because I couldn’t make up my mind. I ended up ordering kits for three projects (none of them from the current club):


© Kate Davies Designs


© Kate Davies Designs

Collar de Pilar:

© Kate Davies Designs

All of this luscious yarn will certainly keep my needles busy all year. However, when I was deciding what to cast on next, my Linum yarn from The Uncommon Thread jumped out at me. The yarn is a blend of 50% baby alpaca, 25%linen, and 25% silk. I pre-ordered it last summer and by the time it arrived, summer was over so I put it aside.

I can’t even describe how beautiful this yarn feels, and once I had knitted a swatch, I knew I had to cast on immediately. It is so lovely and the feel of it is fantastic: light and airy, it weighs nothing and is so soft.

Today, I tried it on just to make sure the fit was right, and it is perfect! Here you can see the shoulder:

Doug took a photo of the back and said “Are these stitches supposed to be falling off the needle?”

Argh! I shifted the stitches onto a long needle before trying it on, and still managed to lose some stitches. Thankfully, I have a husband who actually notices things like that!

I am so into this one. Doug is now making noises in the background: “Why can’t you knit a tee shirt for me?” etc etc. I dare anyone to touch this swatch and not want one.

Doug is cooking dinner and by the yummy aromas emanating from the kitchen it is nearly done! Good knitting everyone!

14 thoughts on “Project update

  1. Have you heard of a Knitting Barber? Thin plastic tube that allows you to pull a needle right through your stitches to try on a sweater – and you don’t lose stitches because the length is quite long. Not sure what your craft store options are there, but you can find a less expensive sub for the barber in the kids craft jewelry section – plastic tubes for lacing beads. They are life-changing, I promise!

  2. Sorry, me again – I remembered the name of the cheaper beading string… It’s called Pony String!

  3. Your current jumper is just beautiful, and the yarn sounds just amazing! I also took part in KDD’s latest club and took advantage of the discount. That was pretty hard to resist 🙂 Love the colors for the Collar de Pilar, even though generally I’m not an orange fan. But it is so bright and beautiful!

  4. Oh dear, now I’m going to have to use all my willpower not to search for this yarn..I love alpaca, silk and linen…together …oh my…resist resist. It already looks great and I love that blue.

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