Third anniversary contest

Three years ago today, I published my first post on this blog.  Surprisingly, I have not yet run out of things to say.  Life has been busy the past year, and it is sometimes difficult to find time for knitting and blogging.  I have been lucky to have Emma, Leah, and Doug, who are always willing to help out and put up with crazy requests.  I am also lucky to have made friends through blogging; thank you to all of the regular readers here for your comments and support through the years.  You have made this fun.

To mark this anniversary, I am going to give away some yarn.  One lucky commenter will receive two skeins of the widely-admired (and hard to obtain) Wollmeise Pure 100% Wolle.  These beautifully dyed skeins are in fingering weight and come in very generous 150 gram skeins, with approximately 574 yards per skein.  The winner of this contest can have their choice of two skeins of Lapislazuli, a rich pure blue:


Or, two skeins of Amethyst medium, a very pretty purple:

Or, for the indecisive person, one skein of each:

Here’s how it works.  Please leave a comment to this post.  In your comment, let me know if you prefer the blue, the purple, or one of each.  (Please only leave one comment.)  I will pick a winner by using a random number generator.  Only comments received before Friday October 10th at 6pm my time (GMT) will be eligible to win.  I will announce the winner on Saturday, October 11th.  There are no geographical restrictions.  This yarn is part of my stash – it has been kept in plastic bins in a smoke-free, animal-free household and treated with love and respect.

Good luck!

I will be leaving tomorrow for a workshop and will be crazy busy all week; nonetheless I will bring stacks of knitting, just in case!



59 thoughts on “Third anniversary contest

  1. Wow, three years! Congratulations. I’m so grateful that you are continuing to blog, despite your increasingly hectic schedule. I so look forward to all of your blogs (and I only regularly read three — that’s two others). A round of applause!

  2. Hi Kelly, enjoy your workshop! I love your blog so much, thanks for all the time you have put into writing about your knitting exploits. The purple yarn is beautiful, helenknitsuk x

  3. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I love reading your posts and admiring all those beautiful FOs. Maybe one day I’ll get brave enough to try knitting a skirt. 😉

    I think I’d have to go with the purple yarn. I’m working with lilac right now and I guess I’m in a purple sort of mood.

    Rav ID: SaraMCrafts

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary. Time flies, right? I love reading about the things you are working on and doing. If I am lucky enough to win the contest, I choose blue. 😉

  5. While I have just got into the blogging world myself, I found your blog and started reading it. The yarn colors are both beautiful but that blue really pops. I myself have been loving blue lately.

  6. NanaGram – Washington State – I am the grandmother of two wonderful young women who are the light of my life. This Family Story blog is for them. May they enjoy the stories and learn their family history.
    Gretchen on said:

    Happy Anniversary!! I always enjoy reading your blog and I love the beautiful things you knit!! It was a difficult decision, but if I win, I’ll take the PURPLE!!

  7. Three years! wow! I love reading your blog and you have inspired me to widen my knitting horizons, and push myself to do more challenging knits – although I don’t think I will ever be up to a steek!.
    I would usually pick purple, but that blue is so lovely and rich – so blue it would be.
    Enjoy your weekend and your course – I hope it’s a fun one!

  8. Both are lovely, but that blue is a stunner.

    Happy Blogaversary! I love reading your thoughtful posts and look forward to reading ’em for another three years (and beyond)!

  9. Congrats on this big milestone! I love your blog and all the beautiful projects you share and I look forward to reading more.
    I think my choice would have to be the blue. I’m kind of in love with that shade right now.

  10. Congratulations! I ‘found’ you because you’d knitted Joji’s Neon. I love your blog. You’re very generous. If I were to be the lucky recipient of your draw it would be like “bringing coal to Newcastle” (British expression to take something back to where it came from!) since I currently live in Germany. Both colours are fantastic so I would hope for a skein of each to make a dual-coloured shawl.

  11. Well, congratulations to you! Lucky us that you didn’t run out of things to say, you do not seem like the person to run dry in the near future. Many happy returns and may your inspiration keep flowing.

    O, the yarn, both gorgeous colours, especially that electric bright blue, very generous!

  12. Hi, I love reading your blogs. I hope one day I can knit as quickly and beautifully as you. I’m currently working on my first ever knitted item, a cardigan, which is coming along at a glacial pace.
    Those colours are so vibrant, but I really love the blue.

  13. Hi Kelly! Congratulations for your blog anniversary, and please, please never stop blogging. I found your blog through Ravelry and it has become one of my favourites. I like the way you write and how you show us your knits. Should I be the lucky winner of these Wollmeise beauties, I would prefer the blue ones.

    Kind regards from Madrid,


  14. Wow! I guess this is also nearly the third anniversary of my stalking your blog. Happy Blogiversary, and thank you for the generous give away!

    The purple tickles my fancy!

  15. Pardon me while I drool all over your comments at the idea of Woolmeise…

    Blue… no, purple… no, blue… it’s so hard to decide! Hmmm… probably the purple. 😉

  16. What a wonderfully generous giveaway! Congratulations on three years of blogging. Should the gods (or the Random Number Generator) favor me, I would choose the Lapis Lazuli, although they are both just stunning. Thank you! (hannahr on Ravelry)

  17. Sheena – Toronto – My name is Sheena, and I am the author of Self Preservation. Join me as I eat well and make things to wear!
    Sheena on said:

    Oooooh, I love the Lapis Lazuli! I’ve been dying to try that yarn, which seems to be impossible to find in Canada.

    Congratulation on your anniversary! May there be may more years of blogging to come! 🙂

  18. Congratulations! I found your blog while looking at projects of audrey in ravelry and I’ve been a regular reader ever since. I particularly like that your daugthers are so involved.

    I love both colors so I will like the mixed combo 😄

    Keep it going! I love this blog.

  19. yokohamayomama – Tucson, Arizona – A native Hoosier knitter and mom of three, transplanted for 18 years to Japan and only recently returned, who sometimes doesn't know what to make of the land of her birth...
    Amy Obukuro on said:

    Three years– wow! Congratulations– here’s to many more years of wonderful posts from Kelly! I thoroughly enjoy them all– be they knitting, travelling, or cool stuff you’ve found. Like several others, I stumbled across you while clicking through the Audrey projects on Rav– your Venetian Audrey for Emma is THE Audrey project, and I plan to shamelessly copy it someday… 😉

    As much as I love that red-violet Audrey, though, I think I’d love the Wollmeise in Lapis Lazuli… oh my :-))

  20. Congratulations!!! I just discovered your blog and have been reading and catching up. Love it!!
    I love the Amethyst yarn. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  21. KnittyStix – Copenhagen – KnittyStix Flosstube/YouTube channel Come and knit with me, Rosie (they/them) 🏳️‍🌈 Knitting techniques explained and tutorials to help you learn to knit. British yarn lover, knitter-designer and spinner based in Denmark.
    Rosiejpm on said:

    Happy Anniversary! I am an indecisive person (especially when faced with a yarn choice) – but I would love the blue!

  22. Hello! Happy anniversary! I do enjoy your blog, and sharing your adventures in knitting! How generous of you to give away wollmeise. I think both colours are wonderful and would choose one of each if I was lucky enough to win! X

  23. Wow!!! 3 years already!!! I’ve been following you for more than a year now!! Congratulations, not only for your blog but also for all the beautiful things you knit and the courage to start the business school!!
    well, if I win this beautiful yarn, will be like a birthday present 🙂
    And as a good Libra, I am very indecisive :$ so, I would like to receive one skein of each color 😀

  24. Congratulations! My Soumak appears to be in a similar state of “I love it, but it is taking so long!” I think one of each color and simple patterns would be a great distraction!

  25. I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago, ironically not through Ravelry, but I must say the Venetian Audrey is stunning. I really enjoy your Wearability features. If I were the winner, I would let you choose one or the other, but not one of each! Both colors are luscious and I love surprises:-)

  26. I only recently discovered your blogpost and am enjoying it greatly! And reading back three years in time makes a happy me …
    Happy anniversary and looking forward to years of new blogposts!
    By the way I like the blue color the best.

  27. It’s nice to pop in here and see all your work. It has opened a new knitting world to me. You made me aware of that I live in a “knittingduckpound” and out there is an occean of knitting to swim in! Love it! And if I do win, the blue yarn is my choise.

  28. Congratulations on keeping going for three years, especially this last one while you have been in business school. I enjoy you posts but I find wearability Wednesday particularly good. I’d like the blue if I get lucky.

  29. I discovered you when I googled ‘knitworthy’, after an otherwise lovely friend regifted three (I know : I am a slow learner) presents I had made for him. In case you think I am an utter dope, he does live in the scarves I knitted for him.

    By the way, boring knitting is where it is at for me. Just churned out a gorgeous Gaptastic for my son’s girlfriend’s Christmas present. A pleasant project, which I knocked off in four days. That was a quick knit after making a Milk Run shawl for a friend’s son’s partner to wear when she gets up to feed the baby. Now I have cast on a really quick knit – a red garter stitch scarf for a friend, who went nuts for the one I made for the school production of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. That one I gave to another friend’s daughter, and now I am going to whip through this one, to give my friend a bit of a boost. It is nearly our last term, and as she is a music teacher, there will be no rest for her, with two prize giving assemblies to prepare musicians for… And while is might seem like summer will be here soon, well, we do have four seasons in one day in New Zealand. Yesterday they had spring snow down south.

    So bring on the boring knitting! I love it. Gets me into the zone. I like to knit on the bus to work. Means I arrive relaxed, and ready for all those teenagers and their dramatic lives.

    If you draw my number, I am going for the indecisive option. In a word – stripes!

  30. Happy Blogivaersary! I am a new follower and haven’t had time to drill too deep into your blogging past, but have enjoyed the last few weeks of your shared thoughts.

    I have both too many blue and purple socks, but THAT blue is beautifully deep!

  31. Congrats on your blog-anniversary. It’s always entertaining to read. And I don’t need any more yarn, really. But should you not find any takers, that blue is beautifull…

  32. Wow, third anniversary. Congratulations!!!
    I have to admit I follow quite a number of blogs…but yours is one of my favourites, it really is something else and your knitting always inspires me. I added you to my bloglovin only a few months ago, but your blog is one of the very few that I have read almost all the old posts, too. Thank you!
    The amethyst looks lovely, and it happens to be my birthstone (speaking of anniversaries…) color.
    Let me send you some Love and Best Wishes aaaall the way over the great pond 😉

  33. Over time I have subscribed to many blogs only to wind up deleting them. Yours? I continue to read. 1. I always learn from your post 2. They are usual short and to the point, and 3. For inspiration. I’m working my way through vjandte (sp?), a Bahm pattern because,of your post. Surprise me.

    Anna Sheldon


  34. I’d love the blue!

    I think my favourite posts of yours are the Wearability Wednesday ones. It’s rare to find such close examination of how knits actually work out in practice.

    Favourite post? The one with Emma and the dress that your mother made, with the full-circle skirt. That was an incredible, incredible series.

  35. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and admiring your knitting. Both colours you posted are beautiful but I’d have to go for the blue. I look forward to many more enjoyable posts!

  36. Happy Blog birthday – I really enjoy your enthusiasm for knitting that comes alive in your posts (and like seeing all the beautiful things you knit). That blue yarn is gorgeous – would definitely be my choice.

  37. Really enjoy your blog. Once I found it ’bout a year ago, went back to the beginning and read all the entries from the beginning. Thanks for your dedication to sharing your experiences! As for the yarn, definite the blue would be my choice.

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